
Thursday, February 16, 2012

SharePoint #2

My list "Why I hate SharePoint" is getting longer by the minute.

Upon moving pages into folders, SharePoint ignores folder-structurs over all.
For example:
"Basesite -> Index"
is displayed correctly.
but, when I create a folder and move the index page into this folder the following is diplayd:
"Basesite -> Index"
instead of
"Basesite -> Folder -> Index"
Okay, I might live with this issue, since in the navigation (which I have to build manualy, 'cause automated navigation is screwed) I am able to correct this issue.

Next I noticed, if I try to change a page title, it get's ignored too.

I tried to use it as a compensation for the broken page-display, but....

I edited the title of a page inside a folder to:
"Foldername - Pagename"
Which is displayed correctly in the page options. But not in the HTML-title-tag.

This is definatly a WTF!

SharePoint, screw you

SharePoint and JavaScript

Today I wanted to edit a Wiki-Page in our company.

Well editing did work finy, up to the point where I wanted to add a JavaScript to a link.

Specifialy a OnClick-event.

First of all SharePoint doesn't support this type of link at all.
The only thing Sharepoint does undestand is "create a link" with some kind of url behind it.

Which will result in a <a href="linkToSite">Text</a> in HTML.

So I went for editing the HTML by myself.
The part where the link is definde was found quickly and the HTML tags for OnClick have been inserted:

HTML code now: <a href="#" OnClick="someJavaScriptStuff">Text</a>

As soon as I closed the HTML-editor on the SharePoint WYSIWYG editor it told me "Some of your HTML might been edited.".
So I reopened the HTML-editor and looked my link up again.

It looked like I left it.

I was like, great, it works.

Next step: Save page.

Okay, hit the link and.... nothing works.

Next step: Reedit page, go into HTML mode and:

THE OnClick-event WAS MISSING!

What on earth was the developer thinking, who implementet such a rule?
Honestly, HTML-Validator passes without errors, and SharePoint deletes this stuff silently?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dell PowerEdge 1850 + PowerVault 220S

Only a few moments ago I started this blog, and I already feel the need to share something with you.

I started work today and one of my first duties of the day is checking Nagios for failed systems.

First thing I noticed was a critical message of one of the servers I work with.
At second glance it showed: Dell PowerEdge 1850 with attached PowerVault 220S.
And the entire vault is missing from the system.

So what went wrong?

As the vault wasn't even listed in the system properties anymore I thought about somebody accidentally unplugged it. As we use a shared datacentre with a couple of other companies together this could be a possibility.
But I was relieved to discover, that the vault itself was still plugged in correctly and was humming away in idle-mode.

Okay, so something different went wrong.

A close look at the system-logs revealed a reboot in the middle of the night, which is not uncommon for systems with auto updates enabled.

I used Google a bit and hit another blog, describing something very similar to my problem (Nerhood Weblog).

So running some system diagnostics revealed: Dell PERC 3/DC as a RAID controller, managing the vault.

Shutting down the server and doing a cold start didn't solve the problem by the way, it's some sort of crude gamble playing with these devices. Sometime they appear after a reboot, mostly they don't.

Where to go from here? I actually don't know. Since the devices are out of warranty a few years now, I think I'll try to find a replacement for the crappy controller as this seems to be the main source of failure in this case.

If you happen to have these devices lying around, don’t under any circumstances try to use them in this combination. You will fail.

I hope I'll find a fix for this. Somehow.

First post ever

Well hi there.

I finally got the wits to start my own blog.
Well sort of. After all this is Blogger and I only pushed a few buttons.

What to begin with?

My main motivation for creating this blog is my work. As it's somehow a bit frustrating to see hardware die, I wanted to share my knowledge with you. Because mostly hardware doesn't die by itself. Sure there are some incidents you will know about, which are entirely hardware related. But a lot of failures are human intervention.

So this Blog will describe some things, I came to notice.